I have noticed an ever-increasing trend toward negativity, in my daily life, my country, and the world in general. Do you see that too? The last time I had a very positive outlook for the future was when Donald Trump began his 2016 campaign with a promise to “Make America Great Again”.
It was infectious. His proposals to build the wall and secure our borders, reduce our national debt, reduce personal and corporate taxes, rebuild our manufacturing industries, make NATO members pay their fair share, and finally address the problems of our crumbling infrastructure were all positives for Americans.
When Barack Obama ran for President in 2007-08 it was also a very positive message. He said that we were all AMERICANS, not hyphenated Americans. His promise was for a kinder, gentler America where we all worked together for the greater good. However, almost immediately after his inauguration, his real agenda was exposed. According to Eric Holder, his personal choice for Attorney General, America is a fundamentally racist nation and always has been.
Donald Trump’s presidency could have been very positive. Instead the “Deep State”, protected by the denizens of the Washington, DC “swamp”, created a series of events and false charges which prevented him from achieving many of his stated goals. It is amazing how much he did get done against all that opposition.
The COVID-19 pandemic that began in late 2019 was the final stake in the heart of Trump’s agenda. 2020 was a year of lockdowns and violations of citizens’ rights, especially in Democrat-controlled cities and states. It became an example of why Americans should NEVER allow bureaucrats to gain complete control over their lives. If he is successful in his reelection campaign, President Trump will doubtless be far more careful in selecting his cabinet and giving power to the bureaucracy.
It is becoming undeniably apparent that the Republican Party, our only current supposedly viable alternative to the Democrats, is in effect a mirror image of them. Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January of 2023, and under two Speakers they have done NOTHING to impede the Biden Administration from accomplishing its goals. We all must ask WHY?
With the “Power of the Purse” they could have refused to continue funding Biden’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. They could have exposed the travesty of open borders, flooding the airways with commercials showing the damage this is doing to our country. They could have introduced legislation to end “Birthright Citizenship” for children of illegals and permanently denied citizenship to ANYONE who knowingly enters and remains in this country illegally. They could have effectively defunded bureaucracies whose agencies have outlived their purpose. They have done none of these things.
Instead, under Speakers Kevin McCarthy and Mike Johnson, we have seen a total lack of courage to oppose the Biden Cabal or the Democrats in the House or Senate. History has amply demonstrated that the “Patriot Act” of 2001 is a travesty. Instead of protecting Americans’ security, the provisions of the FISA Courts have allowed them to be spied upon by the various national security agencies without warrants as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Unbelievably Speaker Johnson is actively supporting the reauthorization of the FISA Act as I write this. There is no positive I can see in this course of action.
If, as I fervently pray, Donald Trump is successful in his reelection campaign, I hope he will tell the Republicans in the House and Senate that if they don’t fully back him in his quest to take back this country and restore our Constitutional Republic, he will actively support their opponents in the Republican Primaries in 2026 and 2028. The Republican Party must be reformed or replaced. It can’t continue to be just a suposedly conservative wing of the “Uni-Party” in Washington, DC.
Thank you for your comment. I have long felt that politicians, like food products, need an expiration date called "Term Limits". Although many in Congress are still effective members after many terms in office, the vast majority eventually succumb to "Potomac Fever" and join the Uni-Party Hive Mind. Marjorie Taylor Greene, in her recent interview with Tucker Carlson, said she thought replacing the entire Congress, herself included, would be a positive step for the nation. In the process, we may throw some babies out with the bath water, but that water is so polluted it must be changed.
We will see Captain Brown. We will see in November. May I suggest you read "The Indoctrinated Brain" by Dr. Michael Nehls